
Es werden Posts vom November, 2019 angezeigt.

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späte Einsicht

späte Einsicht

Die Rückehr der Jedi Ritter

Deine Gedanken sind Energieströme und die können in Deinem Leben einiges bewirken. Ist es möglich, das die Idee vom Leben noch nicht verstanden wurde? Das Leben bietet jeder Lebensform jede erdenkliche materielle Lebensform zu existieren.

Die Rückehr der Jedi Ritter

Deine Gedanken sind Energieströme und die können in Deinem Leben einiges bewirken. Ist es möglich, das die Idee vom Leben noch nicht verstanden wurde? Das Leben bietet jeder Lebensform jede erdenkliche materielle Lebensform zu existieren.

Die Rückehr der Jedi Ritter

Deine Gedanken sind Energieströme und die können in Deinem Leben einiges bewirken. Ist es möglich, das die Idee vom Leben noch nicht verstanden wurde? Das Leben bietet jeder Lebensform jede erdenkliche materielle Lebensform zu existieren.

Die Rückehr der Jedi Ritter

Einen Kompaß brauchen wir

ich melde mich immer mal zu Wort

Wen die Wirkungsweise des Universums interessiert, der wird es verstehen.

ich melde mich immer mal zu Wort

Wen die Wirkungsweise des Universums interessiert, der wird es verstehen.

wie soll ich´s erklären?

Das Schlechte in sich umdrehen, sprich sich selber in eine andere Richtung bewegen! Das heißt das das was uns in eine schlechte Richtung drängt, abhängen und den anderen Weg einschlagen, sich selbst in eine andere Bewegung,also Schwingung zu bringen.

wie soll ich´s erklären?

Das Schlechte in sich umdrehen, sprich sich selber in eine andere Richtung bewegen! Das heißt das das was uns in eine schlechte Richtung drängt, abhängen und den anderen Weg einschlagen, sich selbst in eine andere Bewegung,also Schwingung zu bringen.

so klappt es

Die Wirkungsweise von Gedanken sollte man kennen









Prinzip verstehen 2

alle, die es hören sollen, werden es hören

Erfahrungen können ausufern

ich war ziemlich baff...ich war ziemlich baff....

iihr habt ja recht

ich teile Euch mit, das Eure Gedanken Energieträger sind, die Euch das Leben, das Ihr lebt, strukturieren. und es ist dringend nötig, das das bekannt wird. Von wem auch immer. Und zu Deiner Kenntnis, ich werde weder gesponsert noch sonst was . Ich erkläre nur etwas . Ich gebe Informationen weiter, die jeder für die Bewältigung seines Lebens notwendig braucht.

Mary.kan talk.....Film am 14 11 19 um 21 02

Mary.kan talk... high vibrations are wonderful, aren't they? Especially when you manage to bring you're thoughts in those. High vibrations cure your body, youre life quality, you're surroundings. They bring up you're brightness, you're happiness. They proof that even in laboratories (without knowing what they have had discover, but at least they get on the right track) but why shall we wait, to use our brain immediately instead to start right away?. Thoughts transport energy, in exact those quality, with which you think with

Mary.kan talk.....Film am 14 11 19 um 21 02

Mary.kan talk... high vibrations are wonderful, aren't they? Especially when you manage to bring you're thoughts in those. High vibrations cure your body, youre life quality, you're surroundings. They bring up you're brightness, you're happiness. They proof that even in laboratories (without knowing what they have had discover, but at least they get on the right track) but why shall we wait, to use our brain immediately instead to start right away?. Thoughts transport energy, in exact those quality, with which you think with

Mary.kan talk.....Film am 14 11 19 um 21 02

Mary.kan talk... high vibrations are wonderful, aren't they? Especially when you manage to bring you're thoughts in those. High vibrations cure your body, youre life quality, you're surroundings. They bring up you're brightness, you're happiness. They proof that even in laboratories (without knowing what they have had discover, but at least they get on the right track) but why shall we wait, to use our brain immediately instead to start right away?. Thoughts transport energy, in exact those quality, with which you think with

Mary.kan talk.....Film am 14 11 19 um 21 02

Mary.kan talk... high vibrations are wonderful, aren't they? Especially when you manage to bring you're thoughts in those. High vibrations cure your body, youre life quality, you're surroundings. They bring up you're brightness, you're happiness. They proof that even in laboratories (without knowing what they have had discover, but at least they get on the right track) but why shall we wait, to use our brain immediately instead to start right away?. Thoughts transport energy, in exact those quality, with which you think with

Mary.kan talk.....Film am 14 11 19 um 21 02

Mary.kan talk... high vibrations are wonderful, aren't they? Especially when you manage to bring you're thoughts in those. High vibrations cure your body, youre life quality, you're surroundings. They bring up you're brightness, you're happiness. They proof that even in laboratories (without knowing what they have had discover, but at least they get on the right track) but why shall we wait, to use our brain immediately instead to start right away?. Thoughts transport energy, in exact those quality, with which you think with

all about vibration

your thought can cure

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31


Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 14 11 19 um 01 31

Mary.kan talk...its all about vibration. According to them you act, work, understand, behave, talk and think. And the rest of it. So take care for it. it is up to you, which one you have

Film am 13 11 19 um 00 50

It´s really not so tricky to understand. Especially for those who like to understand the world, the universe and the rest. Please understand that I try to explain, that everything is due to our vibration. Everything. And this vibration we are able to increase. And we we don't have for that to believe in something or to wait for something. We only have to understand that it is up to our very own free will, what kind of wo-man I become, what I be, meet or get or understand.

Film am 13 11 19 um 00 50

It´s really not so tricky to understand. Especially for those who like to understand the world, the universe and the rest. Please understand that I try to explain, that everything is due to our vibration. Everything. And this vibration we are able to increase. And we we don't have for that to believe in something or to wait for something. We only have to understand that it is up to our very own free will, what kind of wo-man I become, what I be, meet or get or understand.

Film am 13 11 19 um 00 50

It´s really not so tricky to understand. Especially for those who like to understand the world, the universe and the rest. Please understand that I try to explain, that everything is due to our vibration. Everything. And this vibration we are able to increase. And we we don't have for that to believe in something or to wait for something. We only have to understand that it is up to our very own free will, what kind of wo-man I become, what I be, meet or get or understand.

Gruppe oder Individuum

Gruppe oder eigene Ansicht?

Gruppe oder Individuum

Gruppe oder eigene Ansicht?

Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking


Das Vaterunser und Stephen Hawking

Es ist eine Werdegang, den wir durchlaufen!

Prima, wir leben alle im Universum!-- und was war davor?

Es ist eine Werdegang, den wir durchlaufen!

vielleicht absichtlich so dunkel?

Geistige Wandlung heißt eine echte Veränderung zu erreichen

Allergien oder Panik

Wir haben es eilig, sehr eilig! Wir haben es sehr eilig


vergiß deinen eigenen Schlüssel bitte nicht

zu abgehoben?

Ist das wirklich zu abgehoben? Warum? Ich sage doch nur, das man sich in eine hohe Schwingung bringen sollte, um den eigenen höchsten Willen zu erfüllen. Was ist daran so schwer zu verstehen?






Guten Abend! Ich weiß, das Ihr wißt, das man aus seinen alten Spielklamotten rauswächst..So ist das auch mit Eurem Bewußtsein. Auch das wird in einigen Jahren nicht mehr das Gleiche sein wie jetzt (hoffentlich) Bitte versteht, das es im Leben darum geht welche Schwingung man selber hat.Ganz einfach deshalb, weil diese anzeigt, wer man ist, wie man drauf ist und welche Handlungen zu erwarten sind Und auch wozu man gehört und was einem passieren kann.